The future of AI.

AI Generator

Generate scripts, images, TTS and even more with


Ability to understand and generate content in different languages

Custom Templates

Search through all of customized templates that have helped our users generate $10,000+ per month!

Use AI to go viral on Social Media SocialCraft

Monetize Yourself On Social Media

Unlock your social media potential with SocialCraft. Make your own AI generates custom images, video scripts, and use our top text-to-speech voices. Monetize your social media effectively with personalized, viral content tailored to your needs.

Make Money with Social Media!

Make Money with Social Media!

Powered by OpenAI.

Digital Agencies

Product Designers



Digital Marketers


Custom Prompts

Custom Templates.

AI Image Generator

Create stunning images in seconds.

AI Speech to Text

The AI app that turns audio speech into text with ease.

AI Voiceover

The AI app that turns text into audio speech with ease. Get ready to generate custom audios from texts quickly and accurately.

Script Writer

Generate custom scripts using data from TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, etc. to make scripts based on your niche proved to go viral!

Discover Your Niche

Allow SocialCraft to help you determine what you are most interested in pursuing within social media!

Captions and Hashtags

Use SocialCraft to generate you the best captions and hashtags for your videos tailored to each social media platform.

Best Time To Post!

Tell us where you're from to find when is the best time to post on social media to get the maximum reach possible!

SEO Content Optimizer

Boost your content's search engine visibility and ranking. Enter your target keywords, desired content length, and specific topics to receive an SEO-enhanced article or blog post outline.

Dropshipping Winning Product Finder

Discover products with high potential for success in your dropshipping business. Enter your target market details, preferred product categories, and price range to receive a list of recommended products.

Fiverr Copywriting Gig Creator

Streamline the process of creating compelling copywriting gigs on Fiverr. Input the type of copywriting service, target client description, and your unique selling propositions to generate a personalized gig description that attracts the right clients.

Interesting Fact Generator

1) Generate Interesting Fact 2) Convert to Voice Over 3)Overlay Video to post on TikTok

AI Web Chat

Analyze web page content with url

SocialCraft Tools

Explore more with SocialCraft:

Payment Gateways

Payment Gateways

Securely process credit card or other electronic payment methods.



Ability to understand and generate content in different languages.

Affiliate System

Affiliate System

Ability to invite friends, and earn commission from their first purchase.

Testimonials Trustpilot

Trusted by millions.

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Peline Jan


Envato Envato Envato Envato Envato

Flexible Pricing.



per month

Select Premium
  • Complete Access To Social Craft
  • AI Text To Speech (TTS)
  • AI Writer
  • AI Images
  • AI Social Media
  • AI Freelancer
  • 25,000 Word Tokens
  • 100 Image Tokens

Safe Payment: Use Stripe or Credit Card.

FAQ Help Center

Have a question?

Our support team will get assistance from AI-powered suggestions, making it quicker than ever to handle support requests.